CDW Blog

Rajiv Narayan

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Removing the Burden of Device Management

28 March, 2022 / by Rajiv Narayan posted in Device-as-a-Service, DaaS, Device Management

The past 12 months have seen organisations rush to establish new remote workforces.
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What Is DaaS?

29 September, 2020 / by Rajiv Narayan posted in Device-as-a-Service

Understanding Device-as-a-Service: how simplified hardware management can give workers the tools they need One of the biggest challenges facing IT departments today is how to manage the wealth of devices used across an organisation. Selecting, configuring, deploying, supporting, maintaining, recycling and upgrading equipment such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops can feel like a full-time job for IT teams. This process becomes even more complicated when employees bring personal devices in the workplace, and individual departments start making ad-hoc technology purchases. This uncoordinated approach to device management also costs money. Failure to adequately track IT assets often result in redundant devices, potentially creating a risk, and can lead to unnecessary and unplanned purchases. And as a result, IT teams can spend much of their time on hardware management, and not enough effort on more strategic, value-driven projects in areas such as digital transformation or security.
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