CDW Blog

Microsoft Windows 10 - Five Platform Migration Risks For Windows 7 Users

28 September, 2018 / by Paul Morrison posted in Microsoft, Digital Workspace

An alarming number of organisations using Windows 7 are unprepared for the migration that will become essential when Microsoft ends support for the platform in less than 18 months1. This creates technical, financial and cybersecurity vulnerabilities. The cost of doing nothing could become too high to even contemplate. Now is the time to act but the migration itself can create risks.
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Microsoft Windows 10 - Change The Way Employees Work With CDW’s Windows Migration Support

28 September, 2018 / by Paul Morrison posted in Microsoft, Digital Workspace

Upgrading from Windows 7 presents organisations with an opportunity to fundamentally rethink the way users work. Designed with mobility in mind, Windows 10 delivers the flexibility employees crave, whilst providing the technology needed for efficient remote working.
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Microsoft Surface - What's Driving The Rise of Surface in Enterprise IT?

25 September, 2018 / by Dominic Trowman posted in Microsoft, Digital Workspace

Microsoft's premium Surface devices are a growing presence in enterprise environments. However, the increasing popularity of the Surface family should come as no surprise.
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Microsoft Surface - What's the Big Idea?

25 September, 2018 / by Dominic Trowman posted in Microsoft, Digital Workspace

The world of work is changing. Advances in automation, machine learning and artificial intelligence are allowing technology to take control of tasks that were traditionally handled by humans. By 2020, customers will manage 85% of their relationship with enterprise without any human interaction, according to a forecast from Gartner.
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Microsoft Surface - Making Mobility Work

25 September, 2018 / by Dominic Trowman posted in Microsoft, Digital Workspace

Workplaces are slowly disappearing. In their place we have workspaces. There's a subtle but important difference. Instead of being confined within walls, people are increasingly working in a virtual environment. The digital workspace contains all the tools we need to work effectively but the workspace can exist in an office, a train carriage, an airport or a café. This is the age of anywhere working.
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Microsoft Surface - Empowering People To Deliver Digital Transformation

25 September, 2018 / by Dominic Trowman posted in Microsoft, Digital Workspace

Gartner's most recent survey of CEOs and senior business executives showed that growth remains their number one priority. But as the pathway to growth becomes steeper, the leaders of large enterprise are looking at digital transformation as a driver of improvement.1
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Spend a working day with the Microsoft Surface Pro

29 September, 2017 / by VStockdale posted in Microsoft, Digital Workspace

Will the latest Surface Pro from Microsoft oust conventional laptops from the work bags we carry around? That’s the question for on-the-go professionals who need powerful computing capabilities in a dynamic, lightweight and portable package.
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New ways of working are rising to the Surface

28 September, 2017 / by VStockdale posted in Microsoft, Digital Workspace

Remote working is on the rise. Around 15 per cent of the UK workforce is now working from home, according to the Office for National Statistics. On top of that, commuters are keen to make use of their travel time by working on the train, and the number of people logging on at coffee shops, hotel lounges and pay-as-you-go office space is rising continually.
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